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Klara and the Sun

  • πŸ‘† Short Summary (1 takeaway)
    • Can artificial intelligence replace real people
  • 🧐 Why I am reading this book?
  • πŸ“– Chapter reviews
    • Very vague story about β€œartificial friends” that is developed to help kids through their teenage years
    • The setting is US but not sure when in the future, the technology for the most part seem to be similar but there are foreign concepts like being β€œlifted”
    • It could be a big allegory for imaginary friends that kids have
      • Who helps them get through puberty and their tough years
    • The sun seems to be an all-knowing all-powerful being that can grant wishes
    • In the end, was the manager actually Josie?
  • πŸ™Š Great quotes
    • "When you passed it on that Josie and I really loved each other, that was the truth at the time. No one claimed you misled or tricked them. But now we're no longer kids, we have to wish each other the best and go our different ways" #quotes
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